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The Functionalist Paradigm (Research Paper Sample)


Order Topic: Paradigms
Order type: Research Paper
Subject: Sociology
Academic level: Undergraduate
Pages: 4, Double spaced
Style: MLA
Sources: 4
Language: English (U.S.)
Time: 6 days
Order Description
Address each of these bullets (often overlapping) in a well-formulated essay. Refer to the readings discussed in class and any other resources for this assignment. Be sure to cite all sources appropriately. Your goal is to research and understand one of the core sociological paradigms by identifying key elements and contributors that help shape it. In other words, you are to research one of the 3 major sociological paradigms, choose authors (2-3) that have contributed to the development of that theoretical approach, and the major concepts (2-3) associated with both the authors you chose and the paradigm you chose and type a synthesized research paper on the information you have obtained. This is an extensive research paper and I expect thorough explanations throughout.
Briefly introduce and describe what you will be researching. Explain what you will be discussing and your "roadmap" for accomplishing this project.
Next, choose one of the core sociological paradigms we have discussed this semester. You need t
be familiar enough with the topic to do this project and therefore will have to do research on your own in addition to what we go over in class (Paradigms include: Functionalism, Conflict, and Symbolic Interactionism)
Briefly, but thoroughly, introduce and describe key persons (2-3) responsible for aiding in the development of the particular paradigm you chose and how they helped shape it. Explain why you chose these particular theorists.
Explain the major concepts (2-3) of the scholars you chose that have helped shape the core sociological perspective you researched. Be sure to connect these concepts back to your chosen paradigm. How do the concepts you discussed relate to the overall paradigm?
Conclude with the overall contribution of the scholars and concepts you discussed for the core sociological paradigm you researched. Explain how they helped shape your selected approach.
Be sure to cite sources properly both in the text and in a reference page. Also be sure you are using credible sources.


The functionalist paradigm
Sociologists have been analyzing the social phenomena at different perspectives and different levels. This analysis ranges from different concrete interpretations of everything from the socialist study to social behavior and society general sweeping. In addition, the socialist are interested in the big picture of the society which is based on how the people influence the society and how the society influences the people. The socialist studies are also based on the outcome of different events within the society which is called the micro level of psychiatry or analysis of the small social patterns. In addition, the socialists also carry the macro level analysis of the big picture of the society or the large social patterns (Stolley & Kathy, 29).
Today, sociologists use three main theoretical perspectives. The three primary theoretical perspectives form the three main paradigms of sociology. These perspectives include the conflict perspective, functionalist perspective, and the symbolic interactions perspective. These different perspectives offer the societies sociologists the theoretical paradigms which enable them to explain the influences between the people and the society and the society with the people. However, each perspective exclusively conceptualizes the human behavior, social force, and the society (Stolley & Kathy, 29). This paper exclusively looks at the functionalism paradigm. The paper will introduce the paradigm by giving a brief history of how it came to be, the key sociologists who promoted its development, and how it influences the community livelihood.
The functionalist perspective or the functionalist paradigm achieved its popularity in America between the year 1940 and 1950. While in Europe the functionalists were originally focusing on explaining the inner operations of a social order, the American functionalist were critically focused on discovering and understanding the human behavior. There were several American sociologists who promoted the growth of functionalism perspective in America. These are the founding fathers of this paradigm. The functionalist socialist founding fathers includes Bronislaw Malinowski and A.R. Radcliffe-Brown (Ortwin, Taylor, & Francis, 295).
The two functionalist socialist promoted the development of the paradigm differently with each one of them promoting his different sector. In his effort to promote functionalism, Robert Merton who also played a key role in development of functionalism divided human functions into two: latent functions and manifest functions. According to Robert Merton, latent functions are not obvious because they are unintentional while manifest functions are obvious and intentional. In his effort to help people distinguish the two human functions, he gives an example of going to church or synagogue to worship as a religious community and describes it as a manifest functions but he goes ahead and says if one goes to worship in church or synagogue to worship and he or she also assist people to distinguish between institutional values and personal values he terms the activity as a latent function. In addition, Robert Merton says that manifest functions are easily apparent and discoverable compared to the latent functions which often requires a sociological approach for them to be revealed. Generally, in functionalism a sociological approach is usually the relationship sandwiched between the functions of the community as a whole and of the smaller parts (Stolley & Kathy, 23).

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