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Evaluation to population genetics data (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


My order is master level work, it is mostly software works and converting data using excel and using software such as Arlequin, hardy Weinberg exact test, powerstats and..... etc. I will attach other previous work which is done by a last year student for the same assignment but I am not sure if it has been done correctly, you think about it if you think it is good so you can look at it but please avoid copying it to prevent plagiarism. I will provide same references as that student used for this sample assignment. Please if you can use some other references as well. I will upload the dataset of 200 people of this assignment s wel


Evaluation to population genetics data
The genotypes of 200 unrelated individuals as indicated in the excel file was analyzed using the Arlequin Application by providing genetics with large set of statistical tests. The graphical interface illustrated show different data set with different perspectives. The genetic data is represented in the form of haplotypes from the haploid genomes analysis. Polymorphism information and gene match probability was analyzed using the Powestat software (Ehnholm. 1992). The genetic variants identified accounted for small part of heritability. The genome wide association of the wider sample was used to determine the remaining data set. The small part of the unrelated gene shows the proportion of the total variance in the polymorphism.
As seen in the data set, the makers are polymorphic because the PIC values both denote the same value. The estimated haplotypes frequencies from the data show there is 56 haplotypes and estimated 107 with no missing genotypes. The estimated result show haplotype frequencies are identical. Implementation of Stephen Al's Bayesian method is used since the haplotype frequencies is not to be included in the reporting phase. After analyzing the Arlequin implementations the 56 SNPS was analyzed with haplotyper implementations. The analyzed genotype showed that data sets with 125 subjects and 234 SNPS contained in one gene. Allelic diversity which provides unbiased estimates of the expected heterozygote frequency was computed. The genotype data was used to estimate the power of discrimination (Pakstis & Castiglione 1997).
Table 1
Distribution of DlS80 alleles of 200 individuals
Allele Number of observations Frequency
15 - -
16 4 0.010
17 5 0.013
18 75 0.188
19 - -
20 10 0.025
21 11 0.028
22 17 0.043
23 6 0.015
24 163 0.408
25 11 0.028
26 12 0.030
27 2 0..005
28 22 0.055
29 27 0.068
30 3 0.008
31 13 0.033
32 6 0.015
33 - -
34 6 0.015
35 2 0.005
36 2 0.005
37 1 0.003
38 -
The table shows the allele distribution at the D1680 locus. 21 different alleles are seen from the table with PCR amplification of the locus and high electrophoresis'. 18 and 24 have the most common alleles with frequency of 0.188 and 0.408 respectively while the rest having a value less than 0.10. 57 different D1S80 genotypes are observed. The most common genotypes was 24 with frequency of 0.150 and 18 to 24 with frequency of 0.145, the rest had a frequency no more than 10. In order for the data given to be utilized in forensic science, it should have Hardy-weinberg assumption. Due to the large number of genotypes in the sample, deviations from Hardy Weinberg would be impossible. From the chi- square analysis the result was there was no deviation from the Hardy- Weinberg. With pie= 6.28. p > 0.25 and df=8. With a power of discrimination as 0.94, the heterozygosity was 0.80 of 0.781 + -0.029 which proves that the sample follows Hardy- Weinberg expectations.
Table 2
Distribution of DlS80 genotypes of the 200 individuals.
Genotype/ No. genotypes Frequency/Genotype/No. of genotypes Frequency
16-18 0.005 21-29 0.010
16-22 0.005 22-24 0.045
16-24 0.005 22-27 0.010
16-28 0.005 22-28 0.005
17-24 0.015 22-29 0.005
17-29 0.005 23-24 0.015
17-31 0.005 23-26 0.005
18-18 0.040 23-34 0.005
18-20 0.005 24-24 0.150
18--21 0.005 24-25 0.020
18-22 0.015 24-26 0.040
18-23 0.005 24-28 0.055
18-24 0.145 24-29 0.070
18-25 0.015 24-30 0.005
18--26 0.005 24-31 0.025
18-28 0.015 24-32 0.025
18-29 0.025 24-34 0.005
18-30 0.005 24-41 0.005
18-31 0.010 25-26 0.005
18-32 0.005 25-28 0.005
18.-34 0.010 25-29 0.005
18-35 0.010 26--28 0.005
18-36 0.010 28-31 0.015
18-37 0.005 28-34 0.005
20-20 0.005 29-29 0.005
20-21 0.015 29-31 0.005
20-24 0.020 30-41 0.005
21--24 0.020 31-34 0.005
21-25 0.005
The sampled allele is suitable for forensic analysis ranging from 16 to 41. The PCR amplified the tandem copies of the repeated motif. 21 alleles and 47 genotypes in the population sample. This type of allele distribution has been detected in various countries: Japan, Netherlands, Spain Denmark, Finland and American Causians as seen in the table the frequencies of the allele is from 0.181 to 0.307 and 0.224 to 0.414, with the uncounted alleles having frequencies less than 0.1. From table 2 the alleles of 18 and 24 are 0.124 and 0.23 which shows the frequencies to that in Chinese and American. As shown in the Recordings from global Genotype distribution. Figure 3
Figure 3 (Karayiorgou, Gogos, Galke 1998)
Population Summary
Lab code: UKIMID
Typing method: SSOP
Ethnicity: Irish
Continent: Europe
Collection site: Northern Ireland
Latitude: 54 degrees 40 minutes north
Longitude: 6 degrees 45 minutes west
Population Name: NIreland
1.1. Allele Counts [A]
Untyped individuals: 0
Sample Size (n): 1000
Allele Count (2n): 2000
Distinct alleles (k): 26
Counts ordered by frequency | Counts ordered by name
Name Frequency (Count) | Name Frequency (Count)
0201 0.27400 5...
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