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Need Statement and Management Plan for a Fictitious Agency (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


Develop a 1300-to 1,400- word needs statement and management plan that will be part of a proposal
include the following sections in your submission:
1. Introduction: Describe the characteristics of your fictitious agency or organization.
2. Research: Locate at least two possible funding sources you might contact for this grant proposal. Be
sure to identify the needs criteria used by the sources you select
3. Needs Statement: Identify the specific problem the proposed project will address.
4. Management Plan: Describe the responsibilities of the project directory (you and any staff you will
employ as part of the grant team}. Explain the teamwork strategies you will employ
You can choose whatever fictitious agency or organization you want.


Need Statement and Management Plan
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Need Statement and Management Plan
A needs statement is significant as it offers the funder a ground to care and make them aware of the matter being highlighted is vital and necessitates a feasible solution. In this needs statement and management plan, the focus will be to operate a social service department for a particular state. I would generate a needs statement and management plan as a part of a proposal to be offered a grant to accomplish a project. For that reason, this paper has articulated the features of the agency, articulated the likely funding sources to pursue the grant proposal, created specific challenges the proposed project would address and pronounced the role of the project director as well as the hired employees to execute the grant.

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