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Main Ethical and Legal Grounds on Which a Doctor Should Respect Confidentiality (Essay Sample)


confidentiality is the key to maintaining patient-doctor relationship. Doctors must adhere to their ethical and legal obligations when handling patients’ information and providing safe and quality care. At times, confidentiality can be breached when there is a threat to cause harm to other parties. Nevertheless, such situations should adhere to GMC guidelines and involve doctors being honest with patients.


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The Main Ethical and Legal Grounds on Which a Doctor Should Respect Confidentiality: Circumstances in Which Confidentiality Should Nevertheless Be Breached.
Doctors focus on creating strong bonds with patients. The established doctor-patient relationship requires trust, where confidentiality is central to the bond (Peterson 596). Ethical and legal duties in the medical profession require doctors to guarantee the protection of their patients' personal information from improper disclosure. The appropriate sharing of patients’ information occurs in line with providing quality and safe care (Dickerson 740). However, a breach of confidentiality may occur if there is a significant threat to the lives of other parties.
Ethical grounds including medical research, financial audit, and service planning allow doctors to use patients’ information. The involved processes focus on improving the functionality of health services and designing quality and safe care. Furthermore, doctors have the General Medical Council (GMC) registration that outlines Good Medical Practice (GMP) for their

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