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Cultural Appropriation (Essay Sample)

-The essay is exemplary in demonstrating intellectual depth, depth of understanding and critical analysis as evidenced by critical and conceptual engagement with the meaning and consequences of cultural appropriation -The essay is coherent, carefully put together and perfectly organised -The essay follows an arch in the argument resulting in a clearly defined position -The essay relies on the outstanding use of resources to make its case -The resources are credible and relevant -Referencing is exemplary source..
What Is Cultural Appropriation and Why Is It Wrong? Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u What is Cultural Appropriation PAGEREF _Toc121476535 \h 4Differences between Cultural Appreciation and Cultural Appropriation PAGEREF _Toc121476536 \h 4Overview of the Issue of Cultural Appropriation PAGEREF _Toc121476537 \h 4Causes of Harm Caused by Cultural Appropriation PAGEREF _Toc121476538 \h 5Misappropriation and Exploitation of Cultural Icons, Symbols, and Practices PAGEREF _Toc121476539 \h 5Lack of Respect for Cultures Being Appropriated PAGEREF _Toc121476540 \h 5Marginalization and Misrepresentation of Cultures PAGEREF _Toc121476541 \h 6Power Imbalances between Majority and Minority Cultures PAGEREF _Toc121476542 \h 6How to Prevent Cultural Appropriation PAGEREF _Toc121476543 \h 6Educate Oneself on the Culture Being Appropriated PAGEREF _Toc121476544 \h 6Seek Out Resources from Those Who Are Part of the Culture Being Appropriated PAGEREF _Toc121476545 \h 7Give Credit to the Culture Being Appropriated PAGEREF _Toc121476546 \h 7Respect Cultural Boundaries PAGEREF _Toc121476547 \h 7Benefits of Cultural Appreciation PAGEREF _Toc121476548 \h 7Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding PAGEREF _Toc121476549 \h 7Increased Diversity and Inclusion PAGEREF _Toc121476550 \h 8Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc121476551 \h 8Reference PAGEREF _Toc121476552 \h 9 What is Cultural Appropriation Cultural appropriation is the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture (Matthes , 2016). In some cases, it can be seen as a form of homage, while in other cases, it is perceived as disrespectful, misrepresenting, and exploitative. This can range from wearing traditional clothing from another culture to using specific terms or phrases that may have been created by and associated with another cultural group. To avoid cultural appropriation, individuals and organizations should research other cultures before taking on elements of their own. Instead of appropriating an element from another culture, a better practice would be to honor the original culture through admiration, respect, and acknowledgment (Matthes , 2016). Differences between Cultural Appreciation and Cultural Appropriation Cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation are two distinct concepts that are nothing alike. Individuals who appreciate a culture maintain respect for the origin and integrity of the culture by honoring its values, traditions, and beliefs. This is generally done through recognizing the rich history behind specific rituals or customs, learning about different lifestyles practiced in different parts of the world, and sharing experiences (Loveless, 2020). On the other hand, those who appropriate a culture will often take things out of their traditional cultural context without understanding its significance of it. A part of this is using another culture's iconography as a fashion trend but failing to realize where it came from originally or making offensive jokes about race or heritage. Appropriation disregards an entire group's history while stereotyping characteristics and belittling centuries-old rituals (Loveless, 2020). For example, someone appropriating Native American culture may wear a headdress at Halloween without realizing that they have deep spiritual meaning to some tribes. All in all, cultural appreciation is an enlightening experience, while cultural appropriation shows disregard and disrespect towards a particular cultural group. Overview of the Issue of Cultural Appropriation Cultural appropriation, or the borrowing and using cultural elements from another culture, has become a highly debated issue in recent years. Supporters point to the potential positives of crossing traditional boundaries between cultures, such as increased understanding and acceptance of different beliefs, learning to appreciate the beauty of other customs, and collaborating with other cultures to create innovative products (Nittle, 2021). Opponents express disapproval that the dominant culture could borrow such unique aspects from a minority culture but would not be willing to accept individuals who hold those elements even dearer. People need to recognize the impact cultural appropriation has on groups of people who have had their body markers commodified, tokenized, or monetized against their interests as consumers migrate across global boundaries seeking out 'authentic' experiences. Therefore, we must come together to discuss this contentious topic if we are going to move forward in a way that respects individual cultures and celebrates collaboration amongst them all.  Causes of Harm Caused by Cultural Appropriation Misappropriation and Exploitation of Cultural Icons, Symbols, and Practices Misappropriation and exploitation of cultural icons, symbols, and practices is a serious problem that substantially harms those cultures. It is problematic when members of dominant groups use the resources of minority groups without regard to their meaning within their cultural context, thus disregarding the feelings of marginalized communities. This deprives those communities of their legacy and overly romanticizes various aspects of their culture while ignoring its complexity. This ultimately leads to false information about the cultures in question and downplaying their rich heritage and tradition in favor of assimilating it into larger dominant cultures for personal gain with little or no thought for the members belonging to them (Matthes , 2016). Lack of Respect for Cultures Being Appropriated The lack of respect for cultures when appropriating them is one of the main components of the damage caused by cultural appropriation. Those charged with committing this kind of cultural misappropriation are often unaware that what they are doing might be considered offensive (Nittle, 2021). For example, wearing costumes or clothing from another culture may give off the impression that these items do not hold value to their original wearer and create a sense of disrespect as it implies that the original cultures are not worth preserving. As such, a lack of respect for certain cultures can lead to greater potential harm from cultural appropriation. Marginalization and Misrepresentation of Cultures In recent years, cultural appropriation has come under increased criticism. This is because it often involves individuals or companies taking elements from a culture without understanding or appreciating its significance to that culture (Williams , 2011). This has implications for the perpetuation of stereotypes and misrepresentations; it can also lead to feelings of marginalization when a culture's unique contributions are stripped away and repurposed without acknowledgment. The result is a lack of respect for that culture, whose members feel devalued by society and unable to share their heritage with pride. Therefore, it is clear that the root cause of harm caused by cultural appropriation lies in issues such as marginalization and misrepresentation of cultures.  Power Imbalances between Majority and Minority Cultures Power imbalances can lead to the exploitation of minority cultures by the majority. When this happens, it is known as cultural appropriation and can be a source of tremendous harm to minority cultures. This cultural appropriation often flaunts disregard for the community, traditions, and sensitivities that may accompany the culture being appropriated (Williams , 2011). For the majority population, these cultural elements may come across as novelties or jumping on a trend without considering those deeply rooted in that culture and its history. Without proper acknowledgment, understanding, and respect, powerful imbalances between majority and minority cultures can inevitably lead to cultural appropriation, which undeniably causes regular distress and long-term repercussions.  How to Prevent Cultural Appropriation Educate Oneself on the Culture Being Appropriated In order to prevent cultural appropriation, the first step is to educate oneself on the culture being appropriated. This includes broadly understanding its history, values, and traditions. It also means being mindful of any negative stereotypes or misconceptions associated with it in mainstream media. This will help prevent individuals from engaging in offensive or disrespectful activities and give them a better understanding of the culture and its significance to those who have been part of it for years. Seek Out Resources from Those Who Are Part of the Culture Being Appropriated Additionally, those engaging in activities related to cultural appropriation should seek out resources from members of the culture being appropriated (Liu, 2019). This will ensure that the activity is not only respectful but also an accurate representation of the culture. This may involve consulting experts, following accounts from people from that culture, or reading books about it. By doing so, individuals can understand and appreciate the significance of that culture and avoid any insensitive behavior towards it. Give Credit to the Culture Being Appropriated It is important to always give credit to the culture being appropriated. This may involve acknowledging the origin and significance of certain symbols or ideas and recognizing existing power imbalances between cultures. By doing so, individuals can avoid perpetuating stereotypes and show respect for those who ...
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